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Home / Gastro / Piles Treatment

Are you the victim of the disease called piles? Well, if yes, then you must be undergoing some very severe pain and tenderness. Unlike fever or cold, nobody can identify whether you are suffering from piles or not by just looking at your face.

What is Piles?

Piles refer to that medical condition wherein there is some sort of swelling in the veins which is situated around the rectum. Piles can be classified in two ways. One is known as the internal piles and second one is the external piles. The internal piles make you experience swelling in the passage of the anal. Whereas, the external piles is quite visible as the swelling can easily be seen and it builds on the outer part of the anus. In case of internal piles, dark colored blood can be seen as the discharge while no such thing happens in the case of external piles. The latter one is considered to be more painful and unbearable.

The major reason behind piles is that the people who suffer from heavy constipation exert pressure while releasing out the stools. The extraction system, due to immense pressure, which it cannot handle leads to breaking of the veins and thus bleeding piles is the result of the same.

If you are suffering from piles, chances are that you feel shy and embarrassed to discuss your situation with others no matter how close they are to you. This makes the problem even more difficult to solve.

If you are not ready for the operation at the current state, and want someone who can consult you in the right direction you can visit Piles Specialist Doctor Noida and get the solution to all your queries. They will investigate the problem thoroughly before giving you any final word. Many people are not aware of the fact that piles can be cured even without operation. If correct ayurvedic treatment for piles is given to the patient he or she can recover from it without any major surgery or operation. Piles specialist in Noida is the one where you will get the best advice.

Dr. Mongas clinic is providing the best treatment to the people who are suffering from piles. An entire experienced team of doctors sit together and undergo every patients case one by one. They look into every aspect in detail so that the patient is given the most apt solution.

Do not worry about the expenses. At Dr. Mongas clinic special attention is paid to the affordability of the patients. The cost structure is designed in such a way which reduces any sort of unnecessary burden on to the people.

Just take an appointment beforehand because there are many people who want to get treated by Dr. Monga. You can contact her at +91-8010931122 for your appointment.

Do not make any further delays as it will make things tougher for you. Just visit the doctor as early as possible and get rid of this problem. Live a healthy and happy life.

Call us at +91- 8010931122