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Piles Treatment Near You - Book A Free Consultation-Non Surgical Piles Treatment Delhi NCR

Piles (hemorrhoids) are swollen veins that can develop in, on, or near the anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids often develop without warning, making them difficult for others to see. Other conditions where symptoms are uncomfortable may need to be treated. The most effective method of treatment for piles is Ayurveda, which helps in getting rid of this problem from its roots. But when the symptoms are causing severe, one may have to resort to surgery as a specialist will help in removing immediately. No need to panic, Dr. Monga Clinic provides both Ayurvedic treatment and Ksharsutra surgery for piles in Delhi NCR. So if you are looking for a hospital for piles treatment nearby, then Dr. Monga will be the best and most worthwhile choice for you in the city. With the help of Ayurveda Panchakarma and Ksharasutra, we at monga provide you the best treatment and surgery of piles with minimum pain and fastest recovery.

Common Symptoms of Piles

The most common symptom, especially during bowel movement or when sitting, is discomfort both in the case of males and females.

Other symptoms include:

  • Constipation
  • Itching and bleeding
  • Itching and bleeding
  • Blood in stool

Causes of Piles

The most common cause is repeated or excessive straining during bowel movement. Straining obstructs blood flow into and out of the anal area. This results in the excessive pressure of blood and enlargement of the vessels in that area, that results in a severe case of constipation or diarrhea which, if not taken care of early, can later turn into Piles

Stages of Piles

Based on judgment of specialist different stages of piles could be resolved by singular approach or combination of approaches.

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Treatment of Piles

Treatment can be surgical as well as medical which is better. Medical could be with use of modern medicines or ayurvedic medicine being the better options. in case of specific need for physical intervention, the traditional ayurvedic procedure kashar Sutra is also available.

Ksharsutra Treatment for piles

  • In the initial and intermediate phases of hemorrhoids, a combination of Kshara Karma therapy and procedures such as band Ligation is administered. This approach effectively stops bleeding and promotes the reduction of the hemorrhoidal mass, eliminating the need for surgical intervention.
  • In the third and fourth stages of piles, the pile mass is ligated by the Ksharsutra as an OPD procedure. After ligation pile mass shed off in some days. Usually, no hospitalization or bed rest is required & patients can go home after the treatment.

Your search must lead you to dependable right place for treatment of piles/ ayurvedic treatment of piles / doctor who does it well, and then you are at right place

Why Should I choose dr. monga for piles?

Dr Monga Clinic has developed expertise to treat very common to acute and chronic ailments which are associated with human body since evolution.We are into practice since 1950 and have successfully treated over 6 lakh patients suffering from various diseases.

Our effective Ayurvedic approach in combination with modern healthcare techniques, have successfully treated patients suffering from Gastro-Intestinal (GI) or Stomach problems including Piles or Bleeding Piles.

Though these disorders are very common and various treatment options are available but, getting full relief and managing these satisfactorily still remains a challenge.

However, if patients’ feedback and testimonials are any yardstick to measure our success, then we have many from our happy patients.

Treatment Affordability

Our treatment packages are very nominal and affordable by most of the patients. Our main objective has always been to cure patients and not create patients.

Last but not the least, you have come to the right place for long lasting/permanent cure of Piles/Bleeding Piles problem.

Through our ethical Ayurvedic treatment practice, many patients, who followed our prescription religiously, started seeing results of improvement as soon as within 15 days. Till date no case of any adverse effects has been reported for our ethical treatment for Piles.

Meet Piles Specialist doctors in delhi

We take pride in having some of the best Ayurvedic & Allopathic physicians on our panel, equipped with qualifications, experience, and expertise to provide solutions for Gastrology and piles hemorrhoids related problems.

We are one of the best Clinics in Delhi NCR.

Piles specialist doctor are available at Dr Monga Clinic who are experienced, qualified and friendly. You can be rest assured to get the best treatment for your health problems such as Piles (hemorrhoids), fissure, and fistula.

We have team of male and lady doctors for dealing with respective patients. If you are in search for piles treatment a lady can connect with lady doctor and men with male doctors.


  • Q: What things to avoid during piles?
  • Ans: If you are suffering from piles, you should avoid the intake of processed and deep-fried foods. Processed items such as fast food, frozen foods, and others don't digest easily. Plus, they have zero or little nutritional value with a lot of unhealthy fats and salt. The combination causes constipation or digestion issues.

    Besides, piles patients should also avoid spicy food as it may cause pain at the time of bowel movements. Foods like pepperoni pizza or schezwan noodles could worsen the bleeding or soreness of the anal lining. Alcohol, too, should be avoided if you are a piles patient. If you can't avoid it completely, consider cutting down its intake. It depletes body nutrients and dehydrates the gut. Additionally, food items such as white bread, white rice, cookies, cakes, and others prepared out of refined flour should not be consumed if you have piles as they have low fiber content. Moreover, these food items are low in nutrition and fiber content.

  • Q: What are the precautions to be taken for piles?
  • Ans Piles patients should adopt ways and precautions that can help in keeping their stools soft. It is the best way to speed up the healing process, reduce the existing symptoms, and eliminate the possibility of recurrence. Increase the intake of fibrous foods, drink an adequate water quantity, and consume juices and other healthy fluids for easy bowel movements.

    Use fiber supplements if needed. Do not strain on the toilet, and don't delay in going to the toilet when needed. Add exercise to your daily routine. If you are overweight, try losing some weight with healthy diets and regular workouts. Do not sit for long hours as it will make food digestion difficult. Avoid painkillers as they cause digestive issues and constipation.

    Piles patients should refrain from consuming unripe fruits as they may promote suffering and pain caused due to the medical condition. However, you may include ripe fruits in your eating plan.

  • Q: What is the easiest way to cure piles?
  • Ans: Unhealthy lifestyles, obesity, and poor eating habits are some of the major factors causing piles. To get rid of this medical condition easily, you should eat the right food items. Add lots of vegetables and fruits to your diet and increase the consumption of whole grains. They soften and increase stool bulk.

    Most importantly, avoid straining in the toilet as it may worsen the existing pile's symptoms. Increase intake of fiber in your diet to avoid gastric issues. Piles patients can also adopt various topical treatments or suppositories/creams, including hydrocortisone. Additionally, the patients may use medical-grade pads containing witch hazel or numbing agents.

    Warm baths are the next best alternative to cure piles. Warm water relaxes the muscles of the anal. You may take an Epsom salt bath at least two times a day. If the symptoms last over a week, book an appointment at Dr. Monga Clinic for professional treatment. However, Pain relievers may also provide temporary relief from the discomfort.

  • Q: What is the difference between internal and external Piles?
  • Ans Internal piles occur inside the patient's rectum. Usually, they are less severe and cause less discomfort. However, the injured area may bleed. Generally, the patient comes to know about this medical condition by observing blood with bowel movements. At times too much straining pushes the injured tissue outside the opening of the anal. Usually, the straining occurs during bowel movements. It could be related to heavy lifting, intense sports activities, or childbirth.

    External piles occur in the most sensitive part of the anal, which is the causative factor for bleeding and pain during bowel movements. In this case, the inured tissue gets external friction exposure, so the condition worsens, and the patient suffers from itchiness, pain, and irritation when walking, sitting, or performing daily activities. There are chances of blood clot formation in such cases, resulting in swelling, inflammation, and extreme pain.

  • Q: Is surgery the only option for piles treatment in delhi ?
  • Ans Piles surgery is needed when internal injured tissue is prolapsed and protrudes outside the anal canal opening. In case the prolapsed tissue can't be placed back to its original position, then surgery may be avoided. Patients experiencing long-lasting symptoms, extreme pain, and bleeding from the anal area may need to go for surgery. It's best to follow the physician's advice before taking up any treatment for treating piles symptoms.

    There are many treatment options and medications that are equally effective as surgery. Usually, doctors avoid surgery and treat the symptoms with medications, lifestyle, and diet changes. There are chances of incontinence, postoperative pain, and bleeding in case of surgery. Also, there are less-invasive options like rubber band ligation to get rid of existing piles symptoms.

    Usually, the medical condition doesn't heal on its own. Prolonged bleeding and discomfort could result in severe conditions. An expert physician will suggest the right piles' treatment according to your condition.

  • Q: Can piles be cured permanently without surgery?
  • Ans Yes, piles can be treated without surgery as well. But it is important to diagnose the condition before trying any alternatives or medications to get rid of the issue. Patients should consult a physician to get the best treatment and medication according to the severity and the stage of their condition.

    Patients suffering from files should also focus on other factors like diet, lifestyle, and body weight. They play a major role in the healing process. Also, the existing symptoms can be treated with the intake of fibrous foods and by maintaining ideal body weight.

    Your physician may also recommend some medications for treating the symptoms of piles. Ointment, creams, painkillers, and pads also help in soothing the redness and swelling around the injured area. The medications won't treat the symptoms if the patient doesn't ensure a rich diet and intake of sufficient liquid. Regular checkup with the doctor is necessary for a speedy recovery.

  • Q: Who is the best doctor for piles treatment in delhi ?
  • Ans Dr Monga Piles Clinic is the best place for your piles problem treatment, we provide ayurvedic treatment for piles & do kshar sutra if required. We have three branches & provide best piles treatment in Delhi, Noida , Rajouri garden & Gurgaon.

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